Dear Users,
just a remind: to get in touch with the HPC user support in CINECA, for problems or...
Dear FERMI Users,
we inform you that the queues longdebug and debug are now up and running.
Dear FERMI Users,
we inform you of the presence of problems in the submission of jobs on longdebug...
Dear Users,
we would like to give you a remind about the course "Tecniche e strumenti per la...
Dear BGP users,
We remind you that on October, the 15th, the BGP machine will be definitively...
Dear Users,
We remind you that the regular call for PRACE-TIER0 and ISCRA (CLASS A)
projects is...
Dear users,
We inform you that PLX is now up and running again.
Best regards,
HPC User...
Dear users,
we are experiencing some problems on PLX scheduler. We will keep informed.
Dear users,
the accounting report on FERMI (saldo -b) is not returning correct data at present. We...
Dear HPC Users,
we inform you that the help desk service will be closed tomorrow, October 4th, due...