EUDAT (the European infrastructure for research data services) invites pan-European or multi-...
Dear Users,
plese note that, due to a national festivity in Italy, the Help Desk service is closed...
Dear users,
we kindly ask you to update your information on the UserDB, in particular related to...
Dear all,
This is to announce that Eurora will be off-production on June 26th 2015. Starting from...
To CINECA HPC users,
Applications to the Master in High Performance Computing organized by SISSA...
Dear Users,
This is to inform you that the $CINECA_DATA storage area ( /shared/project/data/...
Dear Users,
this is to inform you that the UserDB service ( in now...
Dear Users,
this is to inform you that due to maintenaince operations the UserDB service (https://...
Call for Papers: Women in HPC Workshop for early career researchers in HPC In collaboration with...
Dear Users,
we kindly remind you that you can request the retrieval of data stored on the old TAPE...