Dear Users,
the upgrade of the BigInsights platform on Pico has been rescheduled due to additional...
Dear Users,
This is to inform you that Globus Online has updated the new INFN CA certificate, so...
Dear Users,
We remind you that, in order to install the upgraded version of BigInsights platform on...
Dear users,
we have updated the GridFTP and GSISSH endpoints on PICO and FERMI machines. The new...
Dear Users,
in order to install the upgraded version of BigInsights platform on Pico, the service...
Dear users,
the maintenaince operations on MyProxy service has been completed. All the services...
Dear Users,
On Monday, November 2nd there will be some upgrade operations over the MyProxy service...
Dear Users,
in order to improve the performances of the visualization service on Galileo, the KDE...
Dear users,
This is a reminder for the manteinance operations of the compute nodes on Fermi that...
Dear Users,
we are experiencing some problems regarding the usage of EnginFrame web interface when...