Dear Users,
This is to inform you that the maintenance operations on Marconi have been completed....
Dear Users,
apologies for the wrong title on the previous news...
Dear Users,
We kindly remind you that Marconi cluster will be stopped next Monday, March 26th 2018...
Dear Users,
This is to inform you that Marconi will be stopped on Monday, March 26th, for...
The mission of PRACE is to enable high impact scientific discovery and engineering research and...
Dear Users,
This is to inform you that GPFS filesystem issues on Marconi have been solved and,...
Dear Users,
we are happy to invite you to attend the info day that will take place at the CINECA...
Dear Users,
We are experiencing some technical issues on Marconi GPFS filesystem that are affecting...
Dear Users,
We are in the procees of upgrading the hardware of our tape library. The upgrade...
WorkShop HPC TRES (HPC Training and Research for Earth Sciences)
13 March 2018 9:00 - 17:00 ...