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New version of MOLCAS available on IBM-SP6 Versione stampabile

Error message

  • Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in simplenews_newsletter_defaults() (line 456 of /prod_service02/web-prod/hpc-web/sites/all/modules/simplenews/simplenews.module).
  • Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in simplenews_newsletter_defaults() (line 456 of /prod_service02/web-prod/hpc-web/sites/all/modules/simplenews/simplenews.module).

Dear users,

MOLCAS 7.6 (the last released version) is now available on IBM-SP6. Molcas is a MPI-parallel Quantum Chemistry software distributed by the Lund University in Sweden and is freely availble to all Cineca SP6 users.

> module load molcas
> module help molcas

Please note that molcas/7.6/par is the default module. The old 7.4 version is still available. If you need it you should load the specific module by name:

> module load molcas/7.4


Elda Rossi