Dear HPC Users,
On the basis of the experience gained since the beginning of ISCRA, the Scientific Commettee decided to revise the structure of the ISCRA calls to give a better service to the users.
The new classes of the ISCRA projects will be:
Class B Projects with a requests from 1 Million up to 10Millions total CPU hours on the FERMI machine.
Duration of 12 months.
Class C Projects: The maximum amount of resources for Project C is 1Million total CPU hours on FERMI machine, also the EURORA machine can be requested trough the Class C project, see details in the application form.
Duration of 9 months. A project is categorized as "Class C" if it requests limited computational resources and/or if it represents a preparatory phase for larger projects.
CALLs C will be closed and evaluated each month, first submission deadline is July the15 2013.
Apply here:
For more information see:
Best Regards
HPC User Support @ CINECA