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HPC USER DAY, the 3 of May 2011

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Dear Users,

CINECA is pleased to announce the start of the HPC courses for this year by inviting you to participate in the 2nd edition of

HPC USER DAY, which will be held on

Tuesday, the 3 of May 2011 at CINECA.- Casalecchio di Reno - Bologna


HPC User day is a brief course intended to train researchers in the efficient use  of the HPC systems available at CINECA, with a section fully dedicated to real usage cases on the IBM SP6 and Bluegene/P systems.   

This will be an ideal opportunity to learn of the latest advances in scientific computing and participants will be able to meet in person the staff involved in organising and providing support for the ISCRA projects.

Please note that in the two days following the event you will be able to develop your skills further by participating in the course “

Tecniche e strumenti per la programmazione scientifica in ambiente HPC”, aimed at researchers who wish to use our systems to develop their own codes.  


For  more details on course schedule and registration procedure please visit  the web page of the course


Best regards,

CINECA Hpc User Support