Dear users,
we are pleased to invite you to the in-person course "Supercomputing in Industry and Services", which will take place on June 30th - July 1st in Torino - Department of Computer Science (day 1) and at CTE-NEXT (day 2). The registrations are now open.
The course aims to provide an overview of HPC technologies and its applications in several business contexts to support product innovation processes, the digitisation of services and the production control. The course is intended to give participants the necessary tools to identify the real business needs by defining the critical points of the workflow and learn optimisation methodologies.
At the end of the course, participants will not only acquire a general understanding of the modus operandi for HPC usage, more they will be enabled to identify the business HPC and data analytics needs and thereby define the appropriate investment strategy on applications, software development and AI methodologies, or even the installation of new hardware.
Please, you can find the registration form and more information on the link below:
The course will be held in Italian and mainly aimed at industry.
Thank you for your kind attention,
EUROCC Italy Course Secretariat