Dear users,
we are pleased to inform you of the registration opening for:
PRACE Spring School...
Dear Users,
We found an error in charging the computational hours spent on BGP.
We fixed it so if...
Dear Users,
due to an error in the formula for the accounting calculation on BG/P, all the...
Dear users,
we inform you that the PRACE Winter School that will be held at CINECA on February 6-...
Dear Users,
we are sorry to inform you that PLX scratch space is almost full.
We invite you to...
Dear users,
The Prace Winter School about "Hybrid Programming on Massively Parallel Architectures...
Dear users,
106 out of 121 nodes of the parallel queue will not be available in the morning on...
Dear users,
we remind you that February 28th is the ISCRA deadline for submission of class C...
ANNOUNCEMENT: 2012-02-22 Ref No KI 2012/23
Lund University is one of Europe's leading...
Dear Users,
we are sorry to inform you that PLX scratch space is almost full.
We invite you to...