Dear users,
for your information.
HPC User Support
Dear users,
We would like to inform you that a new version of NWChem (6.1.1) is now available on...
Dear users,
we would inform you that on July 17 at 12:00 AM, PLX will be shutted down due to a...
Dear users,
During the last month, PLX scratch reached 100%. This caused problems to running jobs. ...
Dear users,
due to the FERMI installation works, BGP will be unavailable on July the 11th (...
Dear users,
During the last month, PLX scratch reached 100%. This caused problems to running jobs. ...
Dear PLX Users,
we are sorry to inform you that PLX scratch space is full.
We invite you to delete...
We are proud to announce you that FERMI, the CINECA IBM Blue Gene/Q system, is the 7th most...
Dear PLX Users,
we are sorry to inform you that PLX scratch space is full.
We invite you to...
Dear users,
the filesystems CINECA_SCRATCH and HOME of SP6 are available on BG/P in read only.