The HPC-Europa team is excited to announce that our Transnational Access research visit programme...
Dear Users,
Cineca organizes the 13th Advanced School on Computer Graphics for Cultural Heritage,...
Dear Users,
This is a reminder of the Satisfaction Survey on CINECA HPC Help Desk Service that is...
Dear Users,
we encountered some technical issues that stopped briefly the production on MARCONI....
Dear Users,
We are experiencing some technical issues on Marconi. We are working to bring the...
Dear users,
Marconi, both A1 and A2 partition, are now in full production and all PBS queues are...
Dear Users,
on Marconi-KNL only few queues (xfua*) are now open. The full production is expected...
Dear Users,
the production queues have been reopened on Marconi-A1 (Brodwell partition), while few...
Dear Users,
We are experiencing some technical issues on Marconi file system. We are working to...
From September 2017, in Trieste starts a new Master degree in *Data Science and Scientific...