Dear Users,
Parallelization is the best (and most of the times unique) way for your software to be the most efficient, allowing you to obtain the results in the fastest way possible.
As technologies is improving and the systems becomes more and more efficient, it’s important to be as updated as possible and have the knowledge to apply it to your software.
Cineca each year renews its systems with the most updated and efficient systems available and allows its users and researchers to access to its resources.
This year the new HPC system is MARCONI Tier-0 supercomputer, based on the next-generation of the Intel® Xeon Phi™ product family.
To present to scientific community Marconi and to give information regarding the way researchers can receive an account and the first steps to use it, Cineca presents an event:
that will be proposed in 3 editions in BOLOGNA, ROME and MILAN.
20 March 2017
CINECA - Bologna offices
27 March 2017
Sala Marconi - CNR - Piazz. Aldo Moro, 7 - Roma
21 April 2017
Sala Napoleonica (Milano)
The event is FREE OF CHARGE and will be held in italian.
To register to one edition and for more info, check the web site:
Best regards.
Secretariat Courses and Schools SCAI-Cineca
Supercomputing Applications and Innovation Department
Casalecchio di Reno (BO) – Roma – Segrate (MI)