Dear Users,
CINECA invites all interested scientists, whose projects fit the criteria of the PRACE calls to submit their projects. The criteria for the PRACE calls as well as complete information on the PRACE machines, how to apply and on the PRACE peer review process can be found at
If you need some extra information please feel free to contact PRACE directly via or CINECA UserSupport at
HPC User Support @ CINECA
Important dates:
Types of access:
PRACE HPC systems available:
The Terms of Reference can be found here or at the bottom of this page.
The Technical Guidelines can be found here or at the bottom of this page.
Important dates pertaining to the 12th Call for Project Access:
Applications for Project Access must use codes that have been previously tested and that demonstrate high scalability and optimisation to multi-core architectures or that demonstrate a requirement for ensemble simulations that need a very large amount of CPU overall.