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Batch system on IBM-BGP (BlueGene)

Error message

  • Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in simplenews_newsletter_defaults() (line 456 of /prod_service02/web-prod/hpc-web/sites/all/modules/simplenews/simplenews.module).
  • Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in simplenews_newsletter_defaults() (line 456 of /prod_service02/web-prod/hpc-web/sites/all/modules/simplenews/simplenews.module).

Dear BGP users,

Please note that the batch classes on BPG have been recently modified. The submission procedure is now similar to the one present on IBM-SP6. General users have not to specify the class name with the "#@class=" clause. The submission class will be automatically selected on the base of required resources, following the chema described on our UserGuide (IBM-BGP User guide: LoadLeveler configuration).



Elda Rossi