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Advanced School on Parallel Computing

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Dear users,

We inform you that we just released the plan for the Courses and School in Cineca for 2014 and that we scheduled the:

10th Advanced School on Parallel Computing (10-14 February 2014)


This is the next level for the traditional, well accomplished Cineca Summer School on Parallel Computing and it's aimed to all the users with a basic knowledge on parallel computing wanting to skip their knowledge to the higher step.

The attendance is free and some grants are available for the people working outside the Bologna area and not financed by their institution to attend the school.

The deadline for the submission is on January 16th ,2014.

For further info please write at corsi@cineca.it and to check the new 2014 Courses and School SCAI-Cineca go to http://www.hpc.cineca.it/content/training

Best Regards