Dear all
We are happy to announce the upcoming 11th Fenix webinar "Introduction to the ICEI resources at CINECA"!
Date and Time: Tuesday 15 June 2021, 15:00-16:00 CEST
Cost: Free of charge
Speaker: Mirko Cestari (CINECA)
Description: This webinar presents the ICEI resources that will be available at CINECA for users. Galileo100 (in short G100) is a tightly integrated system able to provide multiple computing and storage services: Scalable Computing services, via thin nodes based on Intel CPUs; Interactive Computing services, via fat nodes equipped with 1,5 TB of Intel persistent memory and NVIDIA V100 GPUs; Cloud services through an OpenStack instance installed on dedicated Intel nodes and served by a full flash storage; and finally Storage services via 20,5 PB of capacity available to users. This webinar provides an overview of the hardware and software setup of the G100 cluster and cloud partitions and describes introductory-level usage scenarios.
You can find all relevant information and register for free at:
Best regrads,
HPC User Support @ CINECA